what you missed last night…

We had a great time last night – banjos, clapping, singing, drumming…PLUS 4 exciting surprises for you!  But before I tell you about the surprises, I first want to express my gratitude to everyone who was able to log in and hang out with me last night – THANK YOU SO MUCH!!


Now onto what I have for you…

1. We are holding a songwriting contest – beginning TODAY.

My friend John Finch (whom Felic & I met at DreamYear back in January) is putting together a film about the importance of fatherhood titled “The Fatherhood Effect”. You can see all the trailers for the film & check out all the details HERE.

We met up with John again at the STORY Conference in September and I ended up telling him about our [5in5] songwriting challenge. After hearing about all my talented songwriting friends he wondered if we would want to help him out with music for his movie. I told him we would love to help, so here’s the details of this contest:

You have until November 18th to submit a song (or songs) for John’s movie. You can submit them via email, publish them on your blog, record yourself and post it on YouTube. Use whatever means you have available to get your song(s) out. We are accepting all genres of music. You can submit instrumental song or songs with lyrics. And you can send as many submissions as you would like.

When you are ready you can submit your song either by commenting on this post or by emailing me


2. I have free music & more for you – also beginning TODAY.

All you have to do is sign up for my email updates and you will receive 2 free songs immediately. You can sign up by putting your email in the form over on the right, or the form at the end of this post. I PROMISE that I will never sell your email or give it away to someone offering me cheesecake. I am doing this because I am going to start giving away music, tips & ideas, plus tutorial videos for you. Plus, if you sign up I will always let you know about upcoming concerts & events before I ever post it to Facebook or Twitter. Sign up – I guarantee you’ll want this email. And if not, you can easily unsubscribe at anytime!


3. My good friends recorded the concert last night.

I’ve got some pretty cool friends – specifically James, Eliza, & Noah – who all came by last night to help me capture my concert. My friends Jayrod & Josh played along with me and it was a great evening. If you were unable to attend, we missed having you, BUT we will be releasing videos of the concert in the coming weeks!! So check back soon to see these when they are posted  – or better yet – SIGN UP for my emails and I’ll let you know when they will post.

Also HUGE thanks to this crew for capturing & creating with me last night!


4. I have started a daniel john music facebook page to stream concerts & sell music.

You can check out my facebook page by going to facebook.com/danieljohnmusic. I will post updates there about all that’s happening & keep it up-to-date for those of you that don’t want to travel far from facebook. The main reason I put it together was not to have another site, but to be able to stream the StageIt concerts there and to open up a store and begin selling my music. Very soon music will be available for purchase. I’ll let those of you signed up for the email know about it first. Also, please LIKE my page to help me promote it!



3 thoughts on “what you missed last night…”

  1. Ok, so I’m not so much at the music writing, but I do have a poem I wrote about my Dad that I’d be willing to share with someone who wants to try to set it to music. Just let me know if anyone is interested.

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