tuesday 10 – your turn

Hello friends! I have plenty o’ links, thoughts, and general merriment to share with you all, but I thought we would save all that goodness until next week. For this week’s Tuesday 10, I thought it would be fun to have you help me put this list together.

Since May is over and summer has unofficially begun (officially on June 21st…in case you were wondering) I thought it would be cool to go back and look at your favorite blog post that you wrote during this Spring.

If you’re a blogger, leave a comment with a link to your favorite blog post that you wrote in March, April, or May. Please don’t be shy. Remember you’re helping me fill up my Tuesday 10 list.

Or, if you’re not a blogger, post a link (in the comments section) to one of your favorite blog posts from this Spring. You could also challenge yourself to go and leave a comment on that blog post you enjoyed. I know it would mean a lot for that person to hear your voice.

So that’s this week’s Tuesday 10. Thanks for stopping by and I’m excited to read your favorites!

15 thoughts on “tuesday 10 – your turn”

  1. I decided on Just Wait Longer because it’s actually about spring, and it’s got most of my favorite bloggy things – a rather random beginning, sentiment, my kiddos, and a nicely tied-up end. Plus, a friend told me she looked back on it well after it was written, so I know it has the umph to matter.

  2. OK…so I haven’t blogged much yet. YET. My main thoughts during the spring time were focused on your 5in5 challenge, so I decided instead of skipping since I haven’t written anything, I thought I would post my favorite of the 5in5. I am still working out everything in my head about that week. It was challenging, but I loved it. Conquered some things in me (getting out of my box) and producing instead of consuming is my intention now! http://bocksofrocks.com/blog/2011/04/5in5-day-2-breathe/

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