tuesday 10 – hit the “links”

I know – bad pun – but usually in the summer I love to hit the golf course (aka – “the links”) with my brothers and dad. Unfortunately that isn’t possible right now, but when they visited last week we did get in a quick round of golf at a local course.

Regardless, I thought today would be the day to share some great links, sites, recipes, & music for this summer day. So without anymore stalling here is what I have for your various interests:

Summer Listening

1. I unintentially came across this group – The Brilliance – the other day and it’s all I’ve been listening to lately (in fact I’m listening to it while I write this now). If you enjoy piano & beautiful string arrangements, or perhaps just need an album to turn on after a long day, then you definitely want to check out The Brilliance Music. My current favorite track is “The Sun Will Rise”, but honestly there isn’t a bad track on this sweet little album.

2. My good friend Jason Benson, along with his team, put out their first album of original songs last month. The album is called “You Are God” and I had the chance to listen to it (for 3+ hours) on a recent drive. It is cool album with songs you can immediately use at your church, plus charts are available for download free from their site.
I have a few copies available for $10, OR if you would rather preview the tracks before you purchase, then go to their Download Album Page.

3. This is ridiculously amazing!

What are you listening to this summer?

4. This idea falls somewhere between music & reading and is my summer challenge to you…Try to take 15-30 minutes each day during the summer and read something, or watch a tutorial video. Work on increasing your skill/knowledge in an area that interests you. I’ve been challenging myself lately by digging into Ableton Live’s Launch Pad & software. Hopefully this will make it’s way into some upcoming songs & perfomances.

Summer Reading

5. Ever get your best thoughts in the shower? An interesting article on why this happens, with record producer Brian Eno over at the99percent.com.

6. I’m currently reading the Kindle versions of “Poke The Box” by Seth Godin, “The Accidental Creative” by Todd Henry, and “Prodigal God” by Tim Keller. (sidenote: if you have not downloaded the Kindle software for any of your devices you are missing out. The Kindle software is great because you can put it on almost all of your mobile devices, plus your computer. So whenever I have wait time I can pull up a book and keep reading.) These books are all challenging me in various ways and I am really enjoying it.

What are you reading this summer?

Summer Viewing

7. Holy W O W Batman!!

8. I still love watching Michael Jordan highlights.

What movies, shows, or concerts are you watching this summer?

Summer Cooking

9. We were driving by our friends’ house the other night when they waved us down and forced us to stop and have smore’s with them. Check out these great ways to enhance an already awesome dessert. The Smore’s Maker

and now at your local grocery store… the Stacker Mallow!!


10. Delicious & easy fish tacos. Felic and I made these the other night and half way through the meal I revealed to the kids that they were eating fish tacos. They were shocked! Great recipe from over at pinkofperfection.com.

What fun foods are you cooking this summer?

Thanks for checking out the Tuesday 10 – see you later this week…


4 thoughts on “tuesday 10 – hit the “links””

  1. Are you sure that’s not a 40 yr. old midget playing the banjo? Oh, and he kinda looks like Nikolai Philstrom. Don’t like the marshmallows. Half the fun is squishy their plump melty goodness into the chocolate! My generation knew Brian Eno as a very odd yet fascinating singer/musician. He makes some amazing ambient music. Check out “Music for Airports” if you haven’t already.

    1. Truthfully, I rarely like the music in airports, but I will listen a little better next time 🙂

      Seriously though, thanks for the thoughts and the music suggestion!

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