How to Elevate Your Moments with AI-Enhanced Setlist Planning

[Photo by Photography on Unsplash]
I didn’t want to hold anything back about the potential of the Setlist System. You see, once I implemented this planning into services and live shows, the bands I’ve played in started getting invited back for numerous gigs & services. In fact, there’s a large Christmas show my friends and I have been playing for the past ten years thanks to this system. Creating setlists might seem like a boring topic, but it’s a powerful and under-valued tool for performing musicians. Don’t overlook its importance!
While there are solid tools like Planning Center Online and the Onsong App for compiling setlists and displaying song charts, there aren’t many tools for building setlists crafted around moments. That’s why, over the past few months, I’ve been training an AI bot to do just that.
Here’s my step-by-step guide to getting started with Live Show Bot (AI):
- Step 1: Remember, Live Show Bot is simply a tool.
- Compile ideas or tweak anything you don’t like.
- Step 2: Ask it to ‘explain how you work’.
- It will provide you with the features it currently contains.
- Step 3: Have fun testing & playing with it!
- Ex: Give it a theme, moments you’d like to build, keys of songs you want to sing in, or a phrase or Bible verse that the service is about.
- Step 4: Be detailed & specific.
- It’s a work in progress, so the more clarity you provide, the better its suggestions will be.
- Step 5: Send me your feedback.
- Hit reply on this email. I’d love to hear how it worked for you or if you have suggestions!
Check out Live Show Bot HERE for free.
Try it & have fun uncovering some forgotten songs & soon-to-be-discovered moments!
Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help you:
1. Interested in FREE piano lessons? Signup here to get started! Additionally, I’ll share weekly actionable advice to enhance your music skills + elevate your musical journey! 🙌
2. Work with me 1:1 to build out your personalized plan for achieving your musical goals!
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