the visual tuesday ten [04.19.11]

I know I promised last week that there would be a song (this past Friday) and that did not happen. I apologize. We are currently involved in a pretty substantial project at work – changing over the internal structure and routing of our sound system. It is taking more of my time than I anticipated. Unfortunately songwriting and blogging do not currently pay my bills so I have to defer to work at this point.

  • I knew you’d understand, but wanted you to know that I’m…

  • Sometime I would love to spend a lazy day reading a Kindle in one of these futuristic looking loungers (Nestrest). Unfortunately I have neither the Kindle nor the Nestrest, so here’s to dreaming –

  • Remember “UP” the movie? Thanks to National Geographic it has become a reality. Amazing how a story inspired others to try the impossible. Click on the picture (below) to read more about this amazing feat.

  • Parents, this is what happens when you don’t watch Star Wars with your kids. Funny stuff here.

  • Amazing artistry with books. And to think that this accountant never thought of himself as “creative” or “artistic” – makes me wonder what YOU could do?

  • 5-in-5 (5 songs written in 5 days) begins next week and so far we have 5 people signed up for the challenge! If you’re interested just send me an email or leave a comment below. I’ll provide you with all the details this Friday.

  • Do you have any great Easter plans yet? I believe our family will be celebrating this year at Felicity’s grandparents’ house. There will be a wonderful dinner, sometimes a hymn sing-along, and always a big Easter Egg Hunt for young and old. If you are looking for a way to change up your egg hunt this year, you might consider this advice –

  • Good post about what every Creative needs. Do you have something like this? If not, who around you should be helping you with this? (hint: you’ve got to read to figure this out)

  • Crazy creative playing of a Bach Contata on a “Forest Xylophone”. ‘What’s that’ you might be asking? Take 3 minutes to watch this – you will be glad you did. Have a great week & see you Friday!


14 thoughts on “the visual tuesday ten [04.19.11]”

  1. Oh my gosh. I am NEVER going to stop laughing about that Star Wars video. That would so happen to me. Only I DO watch Star Wars with my kids. 🙂 Ever since we met Anakin in the prequels, I quit worrying about their fascination for Darth Vader because he was a real guy who just lost his way and then, of course, he gets all redeemed in the last one – problem solved! Plus, seriously, if you don’t want kids to emulate Darth Vader, you shouldn’t make his costume so much cooler than the good guys.

  2. Wow! That second video was pretty much the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. The girls were mesmorized. 🙂
    Also, I think Jason has recruited someone else for your 5 in 5 challenge. 🙂

  3. Wow D!!! It took me awhile to go through all of this but it was very fascinating and extremely interesting! Especially loved the part regarding community of creatives! Thanks for making all of this available!

  4. Whoa! That was totally FUN! I loved it! Thanks for posting this Dan! So are you and Darin going to make something like that and run it through the cornfield? How much time do you think it took to make that deal? AMAZING!!!

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