the tuesday ten [05.03.11]

A bit of a late post today, but that is due to all the fun we had last week. If you missed the [5in5] challenge we hosted, then be sure and check out the [5in5] page in the navigation bar up above.

Now, here are ten things I thought you might want to know:

  • I want to order this cool stylus for Felicity’s iPad & for a fun little project I am going to try and demonstrate at the bottom of this post.

  • Even though the songwriting challenge is over, I am always interested in helping musicians with their music. If you have a song you would like for me to hear, please click on the DROPBOX icon over in the right column. ->
    You can upload music there and I will take a listen and get back to you.

  • Story 2011 has launched their website and the conference (for creatives) is going to be phenomenal! They have increased their seating to 1,000 people this year, but you will still want to hurry and sign up before May 31st for the best price. Let me know if you’re going & we will connect in Chicago.

  • I learned a valuable lesson last week while songwriting with my wife, the English major. If you want to be successful as a writer, you first have to sit and write. Then be open to constructive criticism. Find people who love you, but will tell you the truth and challenge you to increase your skill.

  • These are some of the most beautiful photos I’ve come across lately. I love this photo of the Candy Shop because this real shop seems so “magical”. Such amazing photography. Check out the whole photo set HERE.

  • Friday I am unveiling a fun, new project that I hope many of you will participate in. Check back Friday for all the details.

  • If you have as many stray accessory cables as I do, you might look into this great product – Grid-It! – to help you stay organized.

  • Mother’s Day is this Sunday – May 8th….Don’t Forget!!

  • My new guilty pleasure is “Newspaper Blackout” at Austin Kleon’s site. He takes New York Times articles and looks for words to make a quick poem, or funny saying and then blacks out the remaining words. My favorite one is “that distant rumble you hear is the sound of approaching joy”. It is more difficult than it appears, but if you’d like to try it for yourself on your iPad, he explains how HERE. Or if you’d like to go more low-tech, then grab a sharpie and a newspaper and see what you can “write”.

  • This is my first “newspaper blackout” attempt. I called it “a teenager’s thoughts on manhood…”

Have a great week!


6 thoughts on “the tuesday ten [05.03.11]”

  1. That’s great Dan (the blackout you did). Love it. I wrote some lyrics (inspired by you all last week), but haven’t done anything with them yet.

    Grid-it looks very interesting. I need to pass that on to my boss, she travels a lot.

  2. Did you see the one titled “Overheard on the Titanic”? Yes, we are sinking but the music is exceptional I discovered this guy not long ago too. I love his story, that he just kind of burned with creative energy (something I know you understand) and this is how it came out.

  3. The cases are awesome. I am a sucker for a great bag. It’s an obsession, really. 2nd thought…too bad you couldn’t get the word “bacon” out of the newspaper blackout trial!

  4. Papa Don was here and has now left the building! But, not before he looked around and enjoyed the tuesday ten!!!

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