the tuesday ten [04.12.11]

  • Came across this video (from 1999) starring the creative team from IDEO.  Intriguing to watch these creatives at work and see what dynamics make their team successful. This is a 3 part video, but well worth the 20 minutes when you have a chance.
  • Thinking about doing a 7-in-7 challenge soon.  Basically you commit to writing (and roughly recording) 7 songs in 7 days. Anyone interested in doing this? Or we could do a 5-in-5?
  • We are starting our meetings for our 4th of July Open House this week. Already have ideas brewing and thanks to this app I have been able to capture my production ideas even more effectively; however, I have heard you can do this same thing with a pencil and paper.
  • This one’s pretty important – Avacado season has arrived – but I know you’re not excited yet.  So to help you, here’s a simple recipe to make a version just like Chipotle’s. We had this Sunday night and it was fantastic! Now feel the excitement.

  • Watched “The Pixar Story” this weekend on Netflix.  Another amazing team of individuals and their dedication to perseverance, creativity and story-telling. If you need a little inspiration then definitely check this out.
  • Our next door neighbors moved in last week and are settling in well. They don’t seem to mind that we all continually visit them and stare….


  • On a layover in Germany (on the way home from India) I saw two cute little kids being pulled through the airport riding this über cool luggage. Fun.
  • Made an awesome connection last week thanks to my wife, prayer, putting myself out there and taking a chance “asking”.  I told you last week I was going to and I’m so glad I did.  Also, I do promise to tell you the whole story at another time once I know a few more “confirmed” details.
  • See you on Friday for some new music!  Nope, not joking.
  • And seriously, does anyone want to do 7-in-7? or 5-in-5? Let me know!


15 thoughts on “the tuesday ten [04.12.11]”

  1. So… Yeah I’m interested in a song writing challenge. When are you thinking? I’m thinking 5-in-5 is probably a good start.

    Looking forward to some music on Friday. And the connection story:)

    Working on a new songs also that I’ll post to our site this week I hope.

  2. Always enjoy the plethora of ideas and thoughts that you post. Tried to find MindNode through the Droid market and struck out which is not unusual with your cool apps. It is fun to try. If I come up with any significant lyrics or any cool music in my head I will let you know! 🙂

  3. I’m all over the song thing! Last week in April, Mon-Fri, awesomeness! Btw, Jeremy said had a great time at lunch the other day. He came back really inspired, and not just about websites. 🙂 Thanks for being a good friend!

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