
the june songwriting challenge

During this next week you should start seeing this post becoming more and more populated with new songs (see below). We are continuing our 5in5 challenge by writing one song per month for the next 7 months so by the end of the year we will have 12 brand new songs.

This month’s challenge was very specific. The basic outline of our assignment was to write an upbeat praise song in a good “range” for a woman-worship leader’s voice. So be on the lookout for more and more songs throughout this week. I can’t wait to see what will be written!

And, if you would like to stay up-to-date with these songs & more… sign up for my newsletter (using the blue box on the right hand side of this page) and I will be sure to let you know what events will be happening next.

SONGWRITERS: If you are part of this month’s assignment, please use the form (below) to add your links for this month’s challenge- thanks!

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