the friday rundown

Here’s the rundown:

* i’m in Omaha this weekend visiting family & attending the Global Leadership Summit with my dad. If you would like to “see” a few of the sessions, you should check Tim Schraeder’s blog or follow him on twitter. Tims’s a communication guru and you’ll be able to read through his notes of each speaker from both days.


* if you have an iPhone you might want to consider the bookbook case. Everything has trailers now, so here’s a link to see it action.

* i’m playing a concert online next week (Thursday) & I would be THRILLED if you would come. Check it out here & email me with any questions on how to “get in” to the concert. Also, be sure to come back Monday for a few more details concerning the concert. It’s going to be a lot of fun, so don’t miss it!

* great advice to musicians from one of my heroes, Charlie Peacock.

* i still love tilt-shift…


* are you a creative? what defines “creativity”? A look at the various types of creatives in this post. Very encouraging if you ever compare yourself to others…let’s be honest, we all do this, right?!

* …& here’s a little more tilt-shift-loving proof!


* if you would like to see the actual size Chicago, you should consider joining us for the STORY Conference in September. Click the picture below to see a few more details or EMAIL ME. I’d love to answer any questions you might have about this amazing conference.

* this 1 minute video could instantly save you 10 minutes.

* one last thing – last saturday marked my 11th anniversary with my wife, Felicity. I just wanted to say to her once more – I LOVE YOU!

Have a great weekend!


2 thoughts on “the friday rundown”

    1. did you watch the videos? if so you’ll see – it basically makes videos & pictures look like miniatures. it’s crazy cool!

      also – thank you for the well wishes!

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