the friday review [07.29.11]

quick rundown:

* The BKFST site. Beautiful site that may leave you feeling hungry.

(via pigginell’s photostream on flickr)

* You may already know, but if you haven’t heard yet…I’m having my own solo online concert on August 18th (@ 7:00 PM Central) and I would LOVE IT if you would come! Just go to My Concert page at to buy a $1 ticket (tips are also welcome but not required). You may want to check this post out for all the details.

* This app/book “The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore” looks amazing – has anyone tried this yet? Check out the trailer for it below.

* You DEFINITELY want to check out Spotify – an incredible new music service! I have 4 3 more signups available to give away to you HERE. Don’t  wait on Spotify to send you an invite. Just click on the link to sign up through a company called Klout, that has been given a specific amount of free signups, and you will be on the road to most any artist or song you can name. First come – first served!

* The Evernote Tumblr. One of the easiest ways to learn Evernote (& yes I’m a fanboy of Evernote – it is an amazing little app).

* Watching Derek Paravicini – musical genius:

* Lion OS (which I love) & Wunderlist. After installing Lion I realized my To-Do program was not working as smoothly. Switched to this free, multiplatform [iPhone, iPad (basically iEverything), Android, Windows, Mac OSX] to-do list. It syncs easily across most devices and is worth checking out.

* John Mayer’s simple, yet great advice. This is for musicians, or anyone in the business of creating. Quick read guaranteed to challenge.

* “The Accidental Creative: How To Be Brilliant At A Moment’s Notice” – this book is not just for creative-types, but also for those who want to “unlock [their] latent creative abilities”. Excellent read so far.

What have you seen this week that we might have missed? Let us know!


4 thoughts on “the friday review [07.29.11]”

  1. I did find that Spotify doesn’t have Adele’s newest, 21. It’s on Napster, Mog, etc. Wonder if Spotify can’t carry Brit’s new albums because of some weird UK law.

    1. You’re probably right about their laws since they’re based out of the UK. Maybe you could pick it up on Amazon. They always have pretty good deals on albums.

      Overall I’ve been very impressed by the amount of free music available to listen to and check out on Spotify. Fun technology!

  2. I think I’ve seen the piano guy on one of those superhuman-power shows. He is absolutely incredible. That part with the orchestra was mind-blowing!

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