Sunday Setlist [05.31.09]


After a beautiful “pink and melon” outdoor wedding yesterday, most of our team (including my fairskinned self) came in today pink-and-melon-sunburned. Everyone was a bit sore, but practice was amazing. Because of the planning and serving that went in to this weekend, we came in without a planned setlist today. For our team, not having a setlist is a very rare thing. So we sat down as a team and quickly put together what you see below.

The morning went smoothly from practice until we lead it live in the service. Our various worship leaders and young worship band did an awesome job of working together and quickly learning the songs – so good job team! Also, our soundman, John, gave us a clean, strong mix this morning and the congregation was all in from the start. It was a great morning at HACC and you can preview the versions of the songs we did by clicking on the song titles.

1. (A) Everlasting God
2. (A) Everyone (Praises)
3. (A) Great Is Thy Faithfulness

4. (B) Jesus Paid It All
5. (B) Overcome

Hope your week was great and thanks for stopping by to peruse, say hi, or ask a question. Today’s setlist was brought to you by the letters A, B, the number 5, and Fred McKinnon’s Sunday Setlist fun.

One thought on “Sunday Setlist [05.31.09]”

  1. What’s summer without a sunkissed worship team??

    The groans during practice when everyone’s spent the day at the beach always crack me up…

    Great when you have a team that you can quickly pull things together and have it all work. A real blessing.

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