sunday setlist [05.10.09]

Sorry for missing last week, but we are back and had an excellent service today.  The church jumped right in at the top and had a lot of energy which made for a great morning.  We revamped Open The Eyes Of My Heart and changed a few chords to give it a little more “spice” and had very positive responses to it.   (sidenote: this song would go perfectly with Friend Of God (which we did not do) because it has a similar chord structure).  For our setlist today, Open The Eyes moved seamlessly into Forever.  Also, if you would like to hear a fresh, new version of this song – click here – to open up a link to the creativity that is Russ Hutto.

I ended up leading only 1 song today, which was a lot of fun for me because I was able to help train & backup our newer worship leaders.  Today they – Shabaka & Mark – did an excellent job and the response from the church showed me that they are beginning to trust them. ** I will be posting more about this later in the week, so check back to hear about our new training methods and how they are working.**

The rest of the set was equally great, and you can see the rest of it below.   Thanks for stopping by and be sure to click on the song titles to listen on iTunes.

1.  (E) Open The Eyes Of My Heart
2.  (F) Forever
3.  (F) Grace Like Rain


4.  (C) Great Is Thy Faithfulness
5.  (D) Here I Am To Worship

As always, this is a part of the Sunday Setlist craze that is sweeping the nation!

8 thoughts on “sunday setlist [05.10.09]”

  1. Awesome- thanks for the link to a revamped Open the Eyes….
    great set list- I’m looking forward to singing Great is Thy Faithfulness.

  2. “sunday set list craze that is sweeping the nation” now that is funny…
    I love it when the songs are seamless..I did that today with Hosanna/Frasier and Awesome God/Beeching.

  3. Seemless transitions are beautiful, and I’m amazed more people don’t use them normally. We often find it’s the sustained “moments” between songs where the deepest worship grows in people. Can be amazing to be part of.

    Russ’s version of Forever is very cool – now that we’ve all established it as arena-rock

    and the setlist craze is sweeping the world 🙂

  4. I didn’t know the arena rock comment stuck. HAHA. This is hilarious!
    I came here to see what you did and that made me laugh….

    I love that you’re using other worship leaders. We’re trying to do that here… although our leaders are 60+.


    We don’t have young people who want to step up. But our seniors like praise and are making it happen.

    It is a good set list. One most people will know and own.

    Have a blessed week – and keep rocking the arena!

  5. I’d love to hear what you guys did with “Open the Eyes…” I keep looking for ways to spice that up. And medleying it with “Friend of God?” Brilliant!

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