Sunday [09.06.09] – guests galore

This must have been “Bring-Every-Guest-You-Know” Sunday because we had so many visitors in the morning service. We had family visiting us and we even had a visitor/guest musician today on the team. Let me introduce you him. His name is Steve Phillips…..Steve – everybody. Everybody – Steve. Now that you know each other, let me tell you a little about him. Steve is an accomplished saxophone player based out of Kansas City and playing each week at Kansas City Baptist Temple as the artist-in-residence. You can find out more about him on his website or on facebook or by listening to him on iTunes.

Sometimes with so many guests, worship can be a little difficult with people not knowing the songs or just trying to figure out what we are doing – But – worship was really great this morning. We started out a little “old school” on the first song and then just gathered people from there. Steve ended up playing a great intro-solo on the hymn “The Solid Rock” and just added a great feel to the morning. I hope your day was great too. As always, this setlist (see below) is part of the Fred McKinnon Sunday Setlist fun. Feel free to leave a comment, question, or just have a little redonk-u-lous saxophone player envy.

Sunday am

1. (D) This Is The Day/He Has Made Me Glad
2. (D) Majestic
3. (E) The Solid Rock
4. (E) You Are My All In All
5. (F) Saviour King

this is what we’ll be doing tonight….sunday evening setlist:

1. (G) I Saw The Light/I’ll Fly Away
(G) Happy Song (optional)
2. (G) I Have Found
3. (G) This Is Our God
4. (G) How Great Is Our God
5. (G) No Sweeter Name

7 thoughts on “Sunday [09.06.09] – guests galore”

  1. I liked the songs this morning, hadn’t sung the last one before. For a still somewhat young person, I do prefer the older hymns because of their doctrine. Rearranging them into a contemporary sound gives both “generations” of worshipers some common ground which is neat to experience.

  2. Dude, you know it blesses me to see a setlist all in G! Hope you had a great weekend filling the world with milky goodness, and will have a good visit to Omaha this week. Say hi to everybody!

  3. Harold – thank you for blessing my “G”-ness and I’ll talk to you soon.

    Carol – the last one is a song written/performed by Hillsong United that sounds a bit like a hymn. I love hymns as well and especially the hymn from this morning, “The Solid Rock”, because of the backstory. I may post about that this week…hmm…thanks for the idea! 🙂

  4. Thanks, Daniel, and the entire worship team for putting up with me Sunday! I really enjoyed playing, and if you’d have me again, I’d really enjoy playing with you all again. I hope you have a safe and enjoyable trip!

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