Sunday [08.02.09] // No “Little” Thing

I have been absent for a while now, but felt it would be good to get back in the flow of the Sunday Setlists hosted at  I hope this post finds you (and those you are walking with on this journey of faith) well.  It might just be me (being sappy), but I have felt the need this week to say “thank you” and “I appreciate/love you” to many of my friends this week.  This is how it started…

Last Friday we found out the sad news that our sound man and long-time friend John Emerson had passed away after his bout with a failing liver.  I’m quite positive his Sunday Setlist recap would be more than we could even comprehend.  Knowing that I was joining in with heaven’s worship was a comforting thought for me today, but still we will dearly miss him.

After sitting back, and looking at John’s life, I realized how much he did just by being consistent week in and week out.  This in turn led me to think of the rest of my family, friends, & worship team – to see how incredibly faithful they are to the little details that make up this wonderful thing called life.  I know I forget to be thankful for these “little things” (that are truly the most important of things).  So, in honor of my friend’s life – would you take a moment, during this week, to thank those around you for being there, for being faithful, and for doing the little things?

To all of you who are reading this  – thank you –  for your friendship, your service, and your faithfulness to doing what God has set before you.  What you are doing is important and it truly makes a difference in the lives of those around you.

Below is a recap of our Sunday sets.  You can preview the versions of the songs we did by clicking on the song titles:

1.  (Eb/F)   Forever
2.  (F)         No Sweeter Name
3.  (F)         Jesus, Name Above All Names w/Here In Your Presence

4.  (C)         It Is Well
5.  (C)         Great Is Thy Faithfulness

1.  (Ab)       Filled With Your Glory
2.  (Ab)       We Cry Out
3.  (Ab)       Son Of God

4.  (D)        Lord I Seek You
5.  (D)        Cry In My Heart

2 thoughts on “Sunday [08.02.09] // No “Little” Thing”

  1. Sounds like you lost a good friend. I’m sorry to hear that. Yes, I need to thank the people around me more, who are faithful to serve. Life is a vapor, isn’t it?

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