Sunday [01.31.10]

Well, it’s been long while since I last posted a setlist, but my good friend Harold (from encouraged me to resume the setlist fun. So here we are again. I trust that you have all been well. We’ve been good too and thanks for asking. 🙂

We had a good morning set with a smaller, yet very tight team (drums, bass, keys, & 3 singers). This was our setlist today:

1. (F) Hallelujah (Your Love Is Amazing)
2. (D) Hosanna (Baloche)
3. (F) Here Is Love
4. (E) I Give Myself Away/We Fall Down

The last song became an “impromptu” medley when I realized we had gone a little longer than we were expecting to go. I also noticed that we had a lot of visitors and I wanted to add a brief more-familiar chorus (instead of a whole new song) before one of our pastors, Dave Barton, got up to speak. The team played it well and it worked with the previous song’s theme of “surrender”.

It seemed like a good response this morning and I’m looking forward to this evening’s service, along with hearing about everyone else’s day/setlists.

As usual this is part of the sunday setlist fun found over at or more specifically – here.

Have a great week!

One thought on “Sunday [01.31.10]”

  1. Dan, great to see you back! It was really good getting to visit with you in Kville this week, I’ve missed you in person AND on the web! Great setlist, and I’m sure Dave B. did a good job preaching.

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