…your fingers will thank you
Happy Monday!
When I was younger, I loved watching musicians. I wondered how they made big sounds with little movement. I thought they were lazy, but I later realized they were smart.
Remember the chord shapes from last week? Today, I want to share something cool about “Lazy Piano.”
Think of a basketball team on a fast break. It’s often quicker and smarter to pass the ball than to try to dribble on your own. Similarly, inversions make it easier to switch between chords smoothly.
In today’s video, I’ll show you:
- How to move between chords like the pros
- The quickest path to take
- Real musical exercises
This is where last week’s basic chord inversions really shine. Ready to discover the shortcuts?
P.S. Has my lazy piano method or any of my videos helped you? I’d love to hear your story! Please share it here : https://testimonial.to/dan-white. Your feedback will help me keep building this channel out.
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