
slight change in plans

“Write your goals in concrete and your plans in sand.” – Anonymous

Hello my friends!

It has been a CrAZy month for us here at the (no-not-that-one-but-how-cool-would-that-be-if-it-were-the-actual) White House.

In case you had not yet heard, our family is moving to Omaha in July!

We are excited about the move and yet anxious about it too. We feel the sadness to be leaving the friends, family, and life we have known for 10+ years, and yet there is happiness in knowing we will join family and friends in the city I have loved since I was a kid. With all the various emotions this move is causing we know this is the step we are supposed to take as a family, so we are making THE LEAP.

I wanted to tell you all this so you knew what was going on, but also so that I could say this…I need to change plans.

As much as I love to challenge you, film piano videos for you, write music with you, and discuss ideas here with you, I need to take some time off to make this transition.

I do realize I have not gotten back to many of you about the thoughts/revision ideas I have for you. But not to worry…I have not forgotten.

Let’s make a new plan – keeping the original goal of making revisions to one of our [5in5] songs, we are going to move your revision due date to Tuesday, July 31st.

AND, I’m going to give myself the deadline of having all the revision emails sent out to you songwriters by Monday, July 2nd. So expect those notes soon.

You all are the best!


4 thoughts on “slight change in plans”

  1. Yay! Love that you’re giving yourself time off. I don’t even need an email. In fact, I’d almost forgotten all about that… ; ) But seriously, thanks for all you do for us and to inspire us, and we’ll let you transition and still all be waiting when you get back into a groove of normal life. Hooray for next steps!

  2. I know I didn’t do 5in5 but I have been working on that one song I told you about. I am getting so much out of the revising of it. I think the only thing left is to give it a title. 🙂 I will be looking forward to the new July deadline!!! Praying for you all in this time of transition.

  3. I heard that Omaha was a possibility and was starting to wonder if that was going to happen soon. So exciting! But, it is a big change so we’ll be praying for you guys. And, I’m so glad that the revision date is moved back. I’ve written other music, but haven’t had the chance to revise the other. But, I’m with Ruth, don’t feel pressure from us. Get settled in and take a little break!

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