Saturday Fun

We’ve started a new tradition over the past 6 months….

….Saturday Family Brunch!

Like most families, we stay pretty busy during the week, so when a free Saturday rolls around we like to have a leisurely start to the day. We all gather in the kitchen about 10 am to hang out, cook, laugh, and enjoy each other. Sometimes while we eat we play hi-low (describing the best parts of our day/week and the worst parts of your day/week) and other times we just entertain each other with stories while eating delicious food.

This week’s menu is cinnamon raisin french toast, bacon, and fresh strawberries. We’re also being joined by our house guests – Grandma Re and Aunt Sissy – for the festivities. So, before this starts sounding too much more like a talk show (with musical guests, The Oneders!!) I thought I would ask – what weekend traditions, games or rituals does your family do? I’m genuinely interested so share your stories and have a great Saturday!

7 thoughts on “Saturday Fun”

  1. Every dinner we go around the table and we ask the kids what was your favorite part of your day and a lot of times its things that really meant a lot to them like if we went swimming two days ago lol. Then we explain that was two days ago was the favorite part of your day today. Also we go on donie dates every Saturday morning and we cant just pick the donuts up and leave, we have to eat them there. That pretty much sums up our little traditions if you want to call them that.

    1. I love that you guys do the donie dates, and I would definitely say it’s a fun little ritual you’ve created for your kids. Thanks for the idea Paulie!

  2. Friday night date with your beautiful and very lovely mother, when we have the night free. And, coffee and prayer together on Saturday morning in the living room. Looking forward to moving that to the deck before too long.

  3. Hmmmm. I’m afraid our children will tell you our Saturday tradition was laundry! I have vivid memories of spending the entire day washing, drying, and then folding into stacks on the kitchen table. But I also remember music, laughter, conversation, and a sense of total peace and contentment while we were all under the same roof for a few hours, just doing our chores.

    1. I think Marissa and Shelby would say the same. Friday night/Saturday are laundry and cleaning time. šŸ™‚

  4. Saturday mornings mean snuggle time! The girls wake up and jump in our bed to lay with us for half an hour or so before the day begins. If we stay longer than that, the snuggling usually turns into wrestling with/jumping on Daddy. šŸ™‚

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