quick thoughts [02.23.11]

Just a few quick thoughts today:

  • Getting ready (setlists, scheduling, rehearsals, etc.) for our upcoming Missions Conference 2011.  The next 2 weeks will be busy but great.
  • Enjoyed this funny story from my father-in-law the other day.
  • Have a Kindle or one of their apps? You may want to check out this book/deal Poke The Box from Seth Godin.  I did yesterday.
  • Would you like to hear a new song I wrote?  I’m thinking of making a quick video of it over the next couple of nights. I’m self-imposing a deadline by this Friday so feel free to ask me about it – it helps!
  • Speaking of videos, I started a series on creativity last year, but got sidetracked.  Restarting that series after the conference.
  • Thanks to taxes, Felicity & I are out of credit card debt! Already feeling the freedom of not carrying that around anymore!
  • Looking forward to Story ’11 conference in Chicago later this fall.  Currently working on a very cool place for friends/family to stay while we attend.
  • Taking Felicity and friends/family to a Gungor concert for her birthday.  Making memories!
  • My Mom visited us last week.  Completely enjoyed spending time with her and realized (after she left) how our time together had re-energized me.  Amazing – do you have people who do this for you?  Are you someone who does this for others? This is one of my new goals for 2011.

9 thoughts on “quick thoughts [02.23.11]”

  1. Hey I don’t know if I am in the ranks of close friend but I would love to go. I would definitely help pay for whatever.

  2. Looking forward to hearing/seeing the song soon! I was digging the creativity videos, so definitely anxious to see more of those.

    Yay for being out of credit card debt! We were last year, but then had an unexpected automobile issue that required a bit of a balance again. Working on that…

    Also yay for Story ’11 and for Gungor!! Both will be awesome…

  3. Yay yay yay. Yay for no balances, yay for mom’s visiting, yay for a worship leader who is stepping out and writing a song…can’t wait! Story Conference…thinking I and James would love to go this year. Fill me in!

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