Next Chapter of 5in5

Instead of holding you captive for a whole post, I’m going to simply give you the details you’ve been asking for…


5in5 will officially be held from June 1st-5th this year!


If you need to run, I completely understand, but if you have another minute to spare, keep reading because this year is going to be fantastic!


We knew May was going to be a wild ride here at the White House, so the plan (for a couple months now) has been to hold 5in5 during the first week of June. I probably should have let you know the date sooner, but even though we’ve been quiet about this year’s event we have been plotting, er… planning some great new things for this year’s round of songwriting.

The first thing planned for you is a Google Hangout that I will be hosting this coming Monday night, May 25th at 7PM CST to chat about this year’s 5in5. You can attend by visiting either of these links – Google Plus or YouTube – and we will do our best to begin on time at 7PM. Everyone is welcome to come chat, ask questions, plus see a couple cool tools & features we have developed that will be newly available for you this year!

I hope you’re excited! I know I am and can’t wait to get going with our writing!

One last thing, if you have participated in 5in5 in the past, or have enjoyed listening to the music created by the 5in5’ers, would you do me a huge favor? Would you mind sharing this post on social media, or emailing a link of this blog to a friend or songwriter? Or you could even point them to my newsletter sign up at the top of the blog here at Take a quick 30 seconds, and help me share 5in5 and I will see you all here – 5in5 Hangout – on Monday night!


 *** UPDATE***

The Google Hangout will also be viewable here  at DNL WHT on Monday, May 25th as well. See you then!!

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