music & lyrics

If you were wondering – YES, this is what my evenings have looked like lately with Felicity! I am also sure that I am not the only artist who has been working out lyrics and melodies the past two evenings.

I thought to help centralize all the music & lyrical fun we’ve been having that I would post links to all of day 1 & 2’s songs from the [5in5] challenge. Before I post the links I wanted to let you know that we have a new addition (Molly Nickerson…woohoo!) and someone I forgot to mention yesterday (Cameron Kelly….sorry Cam!). Please be sure to go and check out what they are writing and leave a tip (comment).

Here are all the songwriters – enjoy!

Molly Nickerson @mollynick
day 2

Cameron Kelly
day 1
day 2

Ryan and Charity Long
day 1
day 2

Ruth Pingel @ruthpingel
day 1
day 2

Jason Benson @bensonhead
day 1
day 2

Eleanor Benson
day 1
day 2

Eliza Bock
day 1
day 2

Daniel John @danieljohn
Felicity White @felicitywhite
day 1
day 2

9 thoughts on “music & lyrics”

  1. I can’t post a comment to Ryan and Charity’s because I don’t have a youtube account, but let me say here that they are both incredible. “Wish I Was You” is such a deep concept that you guys captured so well, and “Thank God for You” is exactly the kind of song I like to sing anytime my church gathers together! They are beautiful songs.

  2. The only thing that would make this better, would be if we could all sit down and have supper together and talk all our songs over. Oh yeah, and Ry and I have totally peaked. It’s all down hill from here. 🙂

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