monday morning musings [03.28.11]

  • Thankfully I didn’t personally have to pick winners from all the entrants of the Gungor CD Giveaway because did it for me.  Thank you to everyone who entered  and congratulations to Lori Forbis, Jeremy Oehring, & Carol York on winning the free CDs!!
  • Saw Gungor in concert on Saturday night for my wife’s birthday – AMAZING! If you have the chance to attend one of their Beautiful Things events, do it – you won’t regret it!
  • Started reading “Speak Like Churchill, Stand Like Lincoln” this past week. It is written by James C. Humes, the former Presidential speech writer for Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, & Bush, Sr.  So many thought provoking and behind-the-scenes stories of histories greatest speakers/leaders.
  • Has anyone tried THESE Starbuck’s Petites yet? Looking forward to the next time I have to go to the Quincy Starbucks.
  • I have recently been picking up a few freelance jobs designing/setting up blogs for friends. Plus, I just found a great freelance designer who is going to start helping me with the design elements I cannot do. Anyone want a blog built? I’ll take your order (or answer questions for you) HERE.
  • Because of these freelance jobs, I have been enjoying learning some new design, css, & html tricks from the guys over at Think Vitamin. Great site.
  • I have been cooking like crazy lately, though I recently (accidentally) tried to poison us all with green potatoes.  Do not feed these to your family, I repeat, do not feed these to your family!  However, thanks to E-Mealz, our food budget and meal prep has become so ridiculously easy that I’m doing it.
  • Someday I would love to have my own studio – I keep finding the artwork I will put in it.  This is what I’ve found so far – Matte Stephen’s Art, Society6, & anything by my favorite artist – Makoto Fujimura.  I already have a few cool art pieces from friends, but I’m always on the lookout.
  • Our band, findingBethel, will be playing for Young Christians Weekend this upcoming weekend at Silver Dollar City on the Gazebo Stage. Hoping for great weather & divine connections.
  • One more idea for you today – if you don’t read Michael Hyatt’s blog (he’s the Chairman & CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers) then you should sign up for his Daily or Weekly email HERE.  He has great tips for being more productive and right now he’s giving away a FREE E-book called “Creating Your Personal Life Plan”.  It’s a short read on living intentionally and living with purpose.

17 thoughts on “monday morning musings [03.28.11]”

  1. Squeeeeeeeeeee! I’m so excited! I’ve never won anything before. Thanks Dan! And I would like to talk about getting my site redesigned.

  2. Dan, I always love reading your blog & connecting with all the creative info you post! Seriously whether you are my son or not is immaterial but I’m really thankful it is material!

  3. I thought I’d share your post today on my FB page, in case there are friends of mine who would want help with the designing of their blog. And…. I totally enjoy your blog!

  4. Wow, totally didn’t expect to win anything, but that’s cool! I added that book to my wishlist, it looks great.

    This is a great print from Society6 also:

    Maybe the youth group can go to SDC for the Young Christians weekend next year. We’d love to go this year, but seems like every weekend is filled up with something.

  5. Im feeling you on everything except those petites. And what studio would be complete without a chainsaw sculpture? Should have put in for that cd.

        1. Totally amazing! All your work is really awesome and so detailed. As a Nebraska boy, I especially love the Cornhusker one – thanks for sharing this!

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