monday morning musings [02.28.11]

thoughts from the weekend:

  • Enjoyed my time in Fort Wayne last night at Imago Dei. Great to be with everyone on the trip & got to play with my drummer, Jayrod, which is always a great time.
  • The Rutherford’s, who were our pilots last night, are amazing. And THIS was the size of the hail when we landed last night. Golf ball sized.
  • Wrote a cool birthday-ish song 2 weeks ago for my sister Steph ON her birthday.  I wanted to post it for her (and you) Friday but our kids have been fighting the flu and that took precedence. Hoping to have it out by Wednesday.
  • Over Christmas Felic & I saw some great Omaha photography at a local Stabucks.  Went to the photographer’s site this past week & fell in love with his work.
  • Curious to see how this new church presentation software – Proclaim – works.  I could see multiple ways to use this software besides a service setting.
  • Got my newest Toms (Christmas gift) this past week! I need it to warm up because wearing them with socks doesn’t feel right.
  • Received some demo songs from worship leader friends Ruth & Jason this weekend.  Excited to sit down and listen to/work on the songs this week. I am a fan of collaboration and can’t wait to see how they turn out.
  • If you are a creative, you should seriously look into Behance’s ACTION METHOD software (FREE).  It is helping me conquer my less-administrative side and getting my to-do’s checked off daily.
  • This photo rocks me everytime I see it.  Powerful image & grateful for those who protect & serve our country!
  • My friend (and brother-in-law) Ryan Long has two short films that were accepted into the Omaha Film Festival and will be showing this weekend! They are called “Sidewalk Chalk” & “Potluck”.  Both amazing & well produced.  Congratulations and good luck Ry!!
  • Be on the lookout for a music giveaway later in March.  More details as we get closer to the date!



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