Happy Mother’s Day!

We were driving the other day after school and my son Jesse piped up “I just want to give Mom breakfast in bed for Mother’s Day”. Not knowing exactly how he would pull it off, he enlisted my help and we planned out our Sunday morning so I could help him make it happen (and so we didn’t spill hot coffee on the kids, Felicity, or our bed).

This morning Jesse was ready to go. He worked with the girls getting the card signed and sealed (read licked/drooled on). Then we put together a few slices of banana bread, flowers from our garden, hot coffee, juice, the card and a little “Happy Mother’s Day” sung (to the tune of “Happy Birthday”). Happy Mother’s Day Felicity – you are truly loved!

And to all our Mom’s out there – Happy Mother’s Day to you too. I hope you all have a Jesse who appreciates you and let’s you know today.

To Moms


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