half the tuesday ten [04.26.11]

Normally on a Tuesday morning I would post 10 things of interest for you to read about, watch, listen to, or even explore out on the interwebs. But not today – today is different. Different? How?

Well, it’s different because my friends and I are busy writing new songs and posting them each day this week. We started our challenge, called [5in5], yesterday and will continue until Friday. If you are curious about what [5in5] is exactly, you can read all about it HERE.

So today, instead of the usual “Tuesday Ten” I thought it would be more appropriate to give you links to the various places my artist friends will be posting their songs. Some of them have twitter, blogs, & such and I will list their addresses below. Please feel free to stop by daily to hear the songs being written and it would be even cooler of you if you could take a moment and leave them an encouraging comment!

Now for half the regular Tuesday Ten but twice the goodness:

Ryan and Charity Long
video #1

Ruth Pingel @ruthpingel

Jason Benson @bensonhead

Eleanor Benson

Eliza Bock

I also posted a song yesterday and you can listen HERE to what my wife and I wrote.



12 thoughts on “half the tuesday ten [04.26.11]”

  1. Wanted to comment about your song but didn’t know if you’d see it if I commented under yesterday’s post — it totally makes me smile!
    Also, I love how so many of us seemed to record these after our kids were in bed — ha!

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