friday review – free music

[Quick note: I am changing the Tuesday 10 (at least for a while) over to the friday review. While I seriously love putting this list together, I have been so busy lately that I have neglected it. So, instead of neglecting it anymore I thought I would move it to later in the week and not worry about the number of things that I’m bringing to you. If I have 10 on the list, I’m sure that will be cool. But if I have less than 10 at least I will have been consistent.]

Today is about free music. I know we all love free stuff. We like giveaways, contests, the possibility of something for nothing. We like free so much that we even wrote it into the last line of our national anthem.

So, while I personally don’t have anything to give away to you today, I do have these wonderful ideas for you on some freebies you might want to consider this summer….

1. Back in the month of May, the lovely folks who make Reason software offered some great free music lessons that are currently still available. You should run, not walk…run to their site to learn how to take your music production to the next level. Fantastic videos.

2. Maybe making music is not your thing, but how about listening to music? Then check out Spotify – a seriously cool new service that has just become available in the US. It legally let’s you listen to any music you want and right now you can get a free membership by clicking this affiliate link for Klout. Once you signup you’ll receive a free account PLUS you’ll help me get an upgraded Spotify account. Win Win.

3. Here’s yet another site you need to know about. I have doubled (& possibly tripled) my music collection thanks to the crew at Noisetrade. When you get there you can browse by **Artist, Album, or even For Fans Of, which lets you put in artists you like to discover ones you might not have heard of just yet. Preview the full tracks, & if you like what you hear, trade them your email address for their music. Does not cost a thing – free! (You can leave a tip, but that is up to you).

4. If you still don’t have enough free music, try out this site – Come And Live. While you’re there you can download even more great albums for free. If you would like, you can donate at Come And Live to help support “musicianaries” (like myself), but the main idea is to download the music & share it with people if you like it. (referred to me by @extremehick)

5. I’m sure everyone has heard of, if not tried, Pandora Radio at some point. I love to use it in the mornings to pretend I’m rich. I’ll explain – remember early in the movie “The Family Man” where Nicolas Cage is rich and not quite the best version of himself yet? The classical music is blaring as he steps out of his posh bathroom. And, even though the point of the scene is that he’s not the ideal role-model at this particular point in the movie, when I saw that, I liked the thought of having classical music playing in my house as I prepared for the day. So somedays, when I have extra time to get ready I will pull up Pandora (which already has my YoYo Ma playlist set up) and pump the classical tunes. It’s a fun way to start the day plus what is it kids? That’s right!! FREE.

6. You know this, but if you’re like me, I sometimes forget the resources available to me. This summer I’m searching out and watching some amazing concerts & music videos on YouTube (much like the classic one below). This video is for all my drumming friends. Even if you are not a drummer, check out this video. It holds the key to unlocking your inner rhythm – the MULLET!


4 thoughts on “friday review – free music”

  1. i am commenting on #5. i myself am a huge fan of classical music, i have discovered Escala and Bond. they have redone some classical music with a rock(?) feel. if you haven’t heard them you should check them out. they are amazing.

    1. I will definitely check them out. I really like the group – 2 Cellos – as well. They take on some rock songs and make them classical – wild!

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