friday questions

First, I just wanted to THANK YOU for your great response to the first 2 Minute Piano Lesson Video last week!!  I really appreciate you watching it, texting, facebook-ing, tweeting, & emailing me questions about it. Even the video (that one of you sent me) to prove that you could do it was GREAT! So, I’m excited to tell you the next one will be coming out for you on Tuesday!


Today I wanted to do something completely different, so I have 3 Friday Questions for you. It might sound a little ice-breaker-ish, but it’ll be fun…. promise.


Answer them all or any that interest you:


1) If you owned a CB radio what would your “handle” be? (I’m going with “Blue Steel” as mine)


2) What is your best personal characteristic? (besides humbleness!)


3) If you had a “theme song” that played whenever you walk into a room full of people, what would it be?


Answer them all or any you find interesting…these are your 3 Friday Questions!



3 thoughts on “friday questions”

  1. 1. We had a CB growing up and my handle was Strawberry Shortcake. I’d probably stick with that.

    2. Empathy maybe? It can be a blessing and make me uncomfortable at the same time.

    3. This one is tough. The comedien in me wants to say it should be the old Zappa song “Carol You Fool”. I can’t think of anything serious at the moment.

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