football jesse

I am really enjoying my life right now. Lately it has been through watching Jesse grow from this little boy…

Into this boy…

Saturday he (#17) had his first game as a kicker, wingback, and part-time linebacker for the North Shelby Raiders. It rained on us for most of the game, but I have rarely enjoyed an afternoon more than this.

7 thoughts on “football jesse”

  1. Great footage Dan. It’s amazing what you don’t mind when you’re kids are involved. Standing in a cold rain was never so much fun!

  2. What?? Free music and newsletter?? Uh, yes, please! And Jesse is awesome – I love that he plays football AND that he always remembers who I am when our families see each other. Or at least he humors me by saying he does. But I would love him for that, too. : )

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