day 5 – [5in5]

[this song was inspired by the photograph above which in turn caused me to do a little study of cathedrals. the thought behind them is that as you walk into a cathedral you suddenly realize how small you are. you look up because of the surrounding beauty. as i continued thinking about it, i wondered if we could be like cathedrals – live beautiful lives that would cause those around us to look up and see our creator. a sincere thank you for helping me look up this week.]

by daniel john

walking in
to the house
of the holy
stained glass windows
tell the story
as the lights
falling down
on the lowly
i can see


marching by
every life
their own glory
wondering what
has become
of their story
with the storms
reigning over
the lowly
can they see?

we could be

cathedrals [5in5 version] by danieljohn

copyright 2011

28 thoughts on “day 5 – [5in5]”

  1. That was beautiful man. I got chills! The verses remind me a lot of Clocks by Coldplay. That’s the first thing I said to Kate when it started. I loved it! I know I’m your younger brother, but I can’t help but feel proud of you when I listen to your music. You “did work” this week son! I love you bromano! I hope it’s ok I said that on your blog. If not…deal with it!

  2. I love the comparison of our lives as cathedrals. Pretty challenging since I don’t think my spires have soared quite high enough the last few days.

    Thanks for all you’ve done for us this week with music from you and your friends.

  3. Unbelievable! The gift to us, personally and collectively, that you and Felic (and your family) are is rich and amazing and celebrated! This was a perfect end to a significant project. Love you guys and thanks for doing this.

  4. WOW! Really… WOW! Tears every time. Just a beautiful composition. This song fills my heart with such hope and expectation for the future. The vocals are so haunting and just draw me into God.
    REPEAT TRACK (1) Thanks again for being you my friend. I really do thank God for you and what a part you’ve played in my life. Even 1000 miles away and you just help me to see life and God differently. Keep challenging us and keep pursuing your dreams!!
    Deeper and Higher!!

  5. Absolutely wonderful in every way. It just gets better and better as it continues. Love this one. I can already pictures years from now when some of these songs are still being sung and we have to explain – oh, that one came out of this project a long time ago called 5 in 5… 🙂

  6. Wow. Whoa! Really? Whoa. (I’m giving you the thoughts I had listening to this song)
    Jas came home raving about it and he was right! And I did not see that ending coming, but man — it was awesome! I loved it.
    Thanks so much for hosting this challenge. I didn’t really know what would happen to me if I joined. Now I’m like, “I just wrote five songs in five days . . . why don’t I write songs more often?” Maybe not at midnight, you know. 🙂

  7. Dan. Seriously. WE are so blessed by the way you share your life. The thing is – seriously – the WORLD needs it. Seriously. I don’t know how to go about contacting the world and informing them of this, so I’ll be contacting God and asking Him to take care of it. Your work is beautiful and inspiring and powerful. Thank you.

    And also thank you because if you hadn’t hosted this project, I’d have never known my brother-in-law could throw down like an early 90’s rapper. Also a great gift…

  8. Yeah buddy Coldplay meets Jonsi. Love it mate! We need to film now man. Picture this in Pasto Dennis Thomas church if he’d let us. With a 20 foot jib… Good Stuff!

  9. This is so beautiful, What a gift God has given you and thank you for blessing us all with it. Awesome!!

  10. I can see me looking up in this cathedral. My parents live across the street from one. With my arms lifted up and my eyes closed, praising my Lord and Savior. WOO HOO!!!

  11. I know everyone else has already said, ‘wow’, but…’wow’. This is an incredible song. You really did take that picture and paint it in song. Vocals are fantastic (I can tell you’ve really put your “Singing Success” CD’s to work!).

    I’m very proud of you, my friend. This challenge has a lot to do with who you are and what you’re all about – challenging yourself and others to bring the grace of God out of hiding.

    To be creative is one thing – to inspire creativity in others is master-level stuff.

    Well done!

    Your friend, Harold

  12. This is awesome Dan! Great lyrics that a person can relate to and be challenged at the same time.

  13. I didn’t read everyone’s comments so sorry if I repeat the masses but this is AMAZING!!! I’ve heard you talk about this song before, but I’m amazed how you pulled it off. There is something about the beauty of it, and the feel of it, that I know exactly what you are saying with the single line of “we could be cathedrals”. Well done.

  14. To repeat what everyone else has already said….”WOW” Dan, this piece is amazing. It truly is a deeper and higher song — and it touches me very deeply! I love how you continue to grow in your gifts and abilities! Thanks for the challenge that brought such a great week of powerful songs! It’s been wonderful to hear everyone’s songs and to see the depth of relationship you all share! It has been a privilege to listen and read!

  15. Way to end the week with yet another stick of dynamite. Next time warn us before you blow our minds. It’s just the polite thing to do. Fantastic song. Great execution. Future Grammys.

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