day 3 – [5in5]

our song
by felicity & daniel john

darkened houses
lonely people
empty churches
crooked steeples

they’re singing out
we need a song
we need a song

every corner
hearts broken
has death
already spoken

they’re singing out
we need a song
we need a song

hope arising
making amends
final chapter
o how love mends

and your grace
will be our song
we’ll sing it loud
until we all sing along

our song [5in5 version] by danieljohn

copyright 2011

35 thoughts on “day 3 – [5in5]”

  1. I am just amazed by your (that’s the plural ‘your’) ability to weave words together. These songs are so poetic! And such strong messages, too. They aren’t fluffy poetic. Really deep and moving. I think you and Felicity need one more week of this and then you’ll have a CD.

    That’s not a joke. : )

  2. I woke up singing the songs from the first two days. Then I clicked on your blog and literally shivered before I pushed play – so excited to hear the next one. And I’m with Ruth – the poetry is amazing!

    1. I’m finding the secret for Felic and I is that we can’t be SO in love with a lyric that it can’t be cut or reworked. Thankfully the deadline keeps the pressure on, and she is a gentle editor.

  3. That song really touched me. Thank you so much for participating & prodding others to do so. Harold & I were talking last night how some amazing songs are coming out of this. Do it again! Do it again!

  4. You’re one of my hero’s bro!! Just love ya! I could listen to your stuff all day. Maybe we should set up a writers weekend and record a compilation album.

  5. On the poetry: that is thanks in part to a challenging English program that taught me a lot about poetry. I really don’t write it (nor did I care for it much at the time), but I realized while working on these songs that I definitely have learned how to apply some of the principles. It would be nice if one of the songs could pay off those school loans to make up for it! : )

  6. That is my kind of music! I loved it! I hope you don’t mind, but I’m butting in on the 5in5. After finding out about it yesterday I could’t help myself!! πŸ™‚

  7. I don’t know how you’ve been surviving with all these songs inside you waiting to get out. Marvelous. In the true sense of the word.

    1. Here’s the best way I can explain it – it’s like having flint & steel in your backpack and not realizing you already have all the right tools to make a fire until you’re forced into needing one.

      I would like to say that I’m the man of steel (ha) and Felic is the flint, but regardless – we need each other in order to get that creative spark.

  8. This gets me in the mood to film… I was thinking too I could get my friends involved over in New Zealand next time. They’ve been in a songwriting mood lately. Just a thought. Thought I’d better share before I forgot.

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