day 2 – [5in5]

by felicity & daniel john

getting here when we’re together
long roads run short
getting here when we’re apart
short roads run long

foreign lands when we’re together
hold familiar charms
hometowns when we’re separated
we don’t belong

going home


we are home

home by danieljohn

copyright 2011

37 thoughts on “day 2 – [5in5]”

  1. What??? That was AWESOME! Amazing song! And seriously – can you teach me how to play piano? Who ARE you?

    This is really fun. 🙂

  2. Seriously. We should do this everyday!! Love hearing everyone’s stuff everyday. We are bound to get a Top 40 somewhere:) Ha. Great song. Think El and I should do one together for Friday!

  3. Fantastic! You, Felic and nord sound great. If there was ever a song that was easy on the ears it’s this one.

    1. Haha – I mostly credit nord for this one. He’ll appreciate that you noticed.

      Amazing writing twist on your day 2 song – so so good!

      Also, Darin and Felic (separately) both mentioned to me how excellent your playing is (both guitar & piano) and we are all seriously impressed with you.

      1. Seriously! I was totally loving your playing, Ry! And you too Dan-o, but I just didn’t know Ryan could play like that. Wow.

    1. I’m with you – I keep getting a little emotional simply because everyone is doing so well and bravely putting their work out there. Thanks for cheering us on!

  4. Dear Producer,
    I hope you are asking the Holy Ghost what you are supposed to do with all this amazing wealth of words and music once the challenge ends.
    No pressure,

    And, “Going Home” is running a close race for First Place in my vote today. I can totally see the music video. I know this guy in Omaha who might shoot it for you.

  5. WOW!! LOVE THIS!! And Dan, I could listen to you play piano all day everyday, I miss hearing you guys!! Simply beautiful!!

  6. I am totally loving all these beautiful songs and music! It’s so great to hear everyone and enjoy the creativity each one has! What a treat! Makes me want to write a song! 🙂

  7. Haha, Dan! I’m just now posting mine, too. What have we done to ourselves??!! : ) Just kidding. This is SO wonderfully challenging. Now I must post and then listen to you and Felicity’s song…

    1. Thanks Tiffany – this was such a cozy song to write with Felic. The night we wrote it she sat down in a big comfy chair by the piano wrapped in a pretty blue shawl. We talked about the feeling of home and being in love and set them to music together.

      Thank you for commenting and for enjoying what we’ve written 🙂

  8. Hey! I was doing some facebook stalking today and stumbled across all this 5in5 stuff…. This song is amazing! Any song with the word “HOME” as a title grabs my attention as I live in two different ones in two different hemispheres, making me usually sentimental about the subject. And this is a great song! Beautifully done, loved the lyrics and the music! Am sharing it now with my two worlds of homes :). Thanks for sharing!

  9. even my dog likes this song…

    please, please, develop this one and play it on my local radio station *selfish*.


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