daniel john concert!!

Today is a very exciting day for me (& I’m hoping for you too)! I wanted to invite you all to come join me at my first solo concert live on Thursday, August 18th at 7:00pm. The concert is called “Live From My House” because…that is where the concert will be held! Now, I understand that a lot of you might not be able to make it to Missouri the day of the concert, so I thought I would see if maybe I could come to you? Here’s the story of how this works…

Two nights ago I happened across this site called StageIt.com and quickly realized they were doing an amazing thing. They are giving musicians the ability to begin hosting online concerts through their site. After a bit of researching I found the area where I could sign up to become one of their approved artists. I sent in my application and they sent me a response later in the day that I was all set. I immediately logged on and scheduled a concert which I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE for you all to come and watch!

click this link to get started

This first concert will be rather short (15-20 mins) as we give this a trial run together. And, because it will be a shorter first show, the price of a ticket is only $1. I can almost guarantee you can cover the cost by searching through your couch cushions right now. You are welcome to pay more than that price or to leave a tip, but the money is not my goal. What I am most excited about is the opportunity to try a brand new concert “venue” out and for you all to come and join me!

I will be playing songs that we wrote during our [5in5] challenge, but I will also be taking requests for the next 2 weeks. So leave me a comment here telling me a song you would like to hear, OR send me a tweet OR a facebook post. Then, I’ll reveal at the concert whose song I chose and play it for you live.

One last thing – of course I want you all to come to my first show, but I understand that it might not work for your schedule. Or you might be saving that dollar for a Grande Peppermint Mocha. Now I don’t ever want to come between anyone and their coffee. I am serious when I say if you can’t make it, no worries – there will be other shows! What would be great instead is if you could help me by invite people you know to the show or simply by posting this link – Β http://ow.ly/5OibYΒ  – and encouraging people to come to my show.

So don’t forget – get your tickets, send me a song request, & help me get the word out. I will see you on August 18th in my living room!! Thanks!!


15 thoughts on “daniel john concert!!”

  1. Sounds awesome D! Really looking forward to it! Planning on sitting on the front row! Good seats, huh buddy!

    1. Well if I can figure this out maybe some of my friends (hint, hint) could come join me as guest artists in a concert some time… just a thought πŸ™‚

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