10 thoughts on “Creativity (1)”

  1. Wow! I feel challenged! Of course I don’t play piano so that may slow me down a bit… In all seriousness, I liked your instruction video. You look cheerful, the explanation of each part of the assignment was clear and to the point. Well done!

  2. UGH I don’t have my piano yet…wanted to move it the last couple of weekends, but it’s too muddy to get it into the house…

  3. I’ve got my piece (My Beloved by Cory Asbury) and I’m ready! It’s not completely spaced out but the verses and bridge are just one chord so it can use some creativity. Thanks!

    1. Leslie, I hadn’t heard it before so I just checked that track out on YouTube and I think it will work perfectly! There are some cool things that are happening on that song – should be fun.

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