2 Minute Piano Lessons – The CHORD [part 3]


The 2 Minute Piano Lessons has returned & with it…the final lesson on The CHORD!


Next week we’ll move on to new concepts in our 2 Minute Piano Lessons. But, this week I have a few quick ideas to help you finish up using The CHORD.


PLUS in this video I’m giving you a secret riff (disguised as an exercise) that I use all the time on uptempo songs!

Continue reading 2 Minute Piano Lessons – The CHORD [part 3]

2 Minute Piano Lessons “The CHORD [part 2]”


…and now part 2 of “The Chord” from our continuing 2 Minute Piano Lessons.


This week you will add the Am7 & G Power Chords giving you the 4 most common chords you find within pop music.


If you missed last week’s lesson, then you will want to go back to pick up the C & Power Chords we learned last week.


Thanks for watching & if you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment below.




2 Minute Piano Lessons – “The CHORD” [part 1]

I can’t tell you how IMPOSSIBLE it has been to get this video posted for you, BUT… it’s finally up & I think you will really enjoy this lesson!

The goal of this video is to teach you the basics of playing a POWER CHORD (which I’m calling The Chord)

Power chords are normally reserved for electric guitar players, but we are borrowing this idea to immediately enhance your playing.

After you learn this concept your playing will sound fuller, you will have confidence when you play an uptempo song, and it will cause you to have less unnecessary movement on the keyboard. I promise that with practice, this will dramatically change how you play a fast song. I guess what I’m saying is you’re about to add “AWESOME-SAUCE” to your skill set. It’s going to be fantastic!!

And, if you have any questions….PLEASE ASK. You can leave them in the comments below & I will be sure to respond quickly!



2 Minute Piano Lessons “The Super Riff”

Tuesdays are generally when people release new media, so today I want to release something new for you. I’m starting a brand new series of videos, just for you, called “2 Minute Piano Lessons” (or in this case 2:01…man, that’s killing the perfectionist in me…ahhh!).

Anyways, the lessons are right around 2 minutes long. So take notes, work on implementing this first lesson (of MANY more to come), & IF you like it please let me know in the comments below.