day 1 – [5in5]

back to found
by felicity & daniel john

when i’m going down
and death is at my door
others look and fear
but i cannot afford
why can’t i afford?

with you my life has been so sweet
you see the better man in me
gotta bring more than this to take me down
with your love i’m fighting back to found

when i’m standing still
trapped behind fear’s door
i’ve given up too much
i won’t give up anymore
won’t give up anymore

back to found by danieljohn

copyright 2011


You might be wondering what 5in5 is and today I’m here to explain and make it plain. I borrowed this idea from a very cool artist named Aaron Ivey.

Last year he was able to gather more than 47 artists to each create 7 songs in 7 days and he called it 7in7. I loved the idea, wished I lived in Austin during his 7in7 week (so I could participate), and decided my fellow artists and I should do something similar.

So a few of us discussed it and decided Monday-Friday or rather, 5in5, sounded more realistic for our first time out. This Monday we will begin our projects together. If you are interested there is still room for you. Leave a comment or email me to let me know you’re participating.

For everyone involved, here is what you need to know:

– We are a community of artists who will each produce 5 pieces of art in 5 days.

– Choose any genre and any style.

– This is an exercise. It’s to help jump start your art.

– 5 new songs will be written in 5 days.

– If you have the ability (i.e. an iPod/phone/or other recording device) simply record your daily song and post it online. (if you don’t have a blog I would suggest setting up a very simple, free blog either at or and using to help post a draft of your daily song)

– These do not have to be the 5 greatest songs ever written – they just need to be written.


I will also be participating, encouraging my fellow artists, and posting here daily next week, so please stop back by to hear what is happening.

Have fun!