sunday setlist [04.05.09]

Sunday Setlist – 04.05.09

Well, as you can see – I am working on getting this blog up and fully-functioning, but I thought I would at least post a Sunday setlist.  We had a good palm Sunday morning at Heartland Academy Community Church.  Initially it seemed that people were a little scarce this morning, but then I remembered that a large group from our congregation is on a missions trip to Egypt.

So here’s the rundown today –

1. evermore  (g) – One of our other worship leaders that we are training led this Hillsong semi-oldie.  It is a great tune to play.  I love the half-time bridge on this song because you can really build it for a nice worship moment, or use it to contrast the uptempo chorus.  People really jumped into this song and it worked well as it lead into…

2. surrender (g) – I remember when the Surrender cd first came out  with classic worship songs like You Are My King, All Who Are Thirsty, Hallelujah Your Love Makes Me Sing.  We did this a little more upbeat than normal, but it worked well and we used it as a medley with our 3rd song.

3. i surrender all (c) – This was lead by Kathie, one of our altos and she did a great job leading this.  Our church really enjoys hymns, and this one was no exception.  Rich in theology and a good conclusion to our set before we stopped and did announcements.

4. he is exalted (g) – Ridden with mental mistakes by me, this still managed to be a great moment for us.  We normally do this song a little like Shane & Shane; however, we did not schedule an acoustic guitar player (mistake #1) and we did not have another guy to sing the cool harmonies this song provides (mistake #2).  Regardless of my lack of foresight, the congregation knew this song well and was able to get past my cutting to just voices (mistake #3) and it feeling like all hope for rhythm was lost.  Again, this just helped solidify for me, that worship is not so much about my mistakes and shortcomings as it is about His greatness.  I was glad for being able to make a joyful NOISE.  🙂

5. jesus, lover of my soul  (g) – we finished the set with this song and then spontaneously cut over to the chorus of I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever. It took a few moments to build, but we ended up having a great time of worship with this song.

On a little different note, every Sunday morning, we are attempting to train our younger, less experienced musicians.  Our goal is to help them gain confidence and experience.  This morning was no exception, and I was very impressed with their ability to keep up, even with the multiple mistakes (by me, not them) and song changes.  This morning was a very good sign that we are growing and getting better in our skills and our ability to lead worship with our various instruments.  Good work team!

Thanks for checking out our set.  Feel free to to leave a comment, ask a question, or just peruse this almost-put-together website.  And,  be sure to swing by Fred’s blog to see what other teams & churches were singing this weekend.