2 Minute Piano Lessons – “The CHORD” [part 1]

I can’t tell you how IMPOSSIBLE it has been to get this video posted for you, BUT… it’s finally up & I think you will really enjoy this lesson!

The goal of this video is to teach you the basics of playing a POWER CHORD (which I’m calling The Chord)

Power chords are normally reserved for electric guitar players, but we are borrowing this idea to immediately enhance your playing.

After you learn this concept your playing will sound fuller, you will have confidence when you play an uptempo song, and it will cause you to have less unnecessary movement on the keyboard. I promise that with practice, this will dramatically change how you play a fast song. I guess what I’m saying is you’re about to add “AWESOME-SAUCE” to your skill set. It’s going to be fantastic!!

And, if you have any questions….PLEASE ASK. You can leave them in the comments below & I will be sure to respond quickly!



friday questions

First, I just wanted to THANK YOU for your great response to the first 2 Minute Piano Lesson Video last week!!  I really appreciate you watching it, texting, facebook-ing, tweeting, & emailing me questions about it. Even the video (that one of you sent me) to prove that you could do it was GREAT! So, I’m excited to tell you the next one will be coming out for you on Tuesday!


Today I wanted to do something completely different, so I have 3 Friday Questions for you. It might sound a little ice-breaker-ish, but it’ll be fun…. promise.


Answer them all or any that interest you:


1) If you owned a CB radio what would your “handle” be? (I’m going with “Blue Steel” as mine)


2) What is your best personal characteristic? (besides humbleness!)


3) If you had a “theme song” that played whenever you walk into a room full of people, what would it be?


Answer them all or any you find interesting…these are your 3 Friday Questions!



2 Minute Piano Lessons “The Super Riff”

Tuesdays are generally when people release new media, so today I want to release something new for you. I’m starting a brand new series of videos, just for you, called “2 Minute Piano Lessons” (or in this case 2:01…man, that’s killing the perfectionist in me…ahhh!).

Anyways, the lessons are right around 2 minutes long. So take notes, work on implementing this first lesson (of MANY more to come), & IF you like it please let me know in the comments below.



“Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid.” – Frank Zappa

Just a quick reminder to all my songwriters out there that the deadline for your songs to be turned in is this Friday, November 18th by 6 PM (CST). There’s still time (even if you haven’t started yet), but not much so hurry! And if you need a little reminder, then go here for THE SONG DEADLINE

Once you’re finished, remember to contact me to let me know your song is submitted and where you have submitted it (facebook, youtube, vimeo, soundcloud, your blog, etc).


what I missed last week”¦

…was giving you a good explanation of the songwriting contest.  It hit me somewhere in between my Thursday night StageIt concert, the Friday night concert with findingBethel, and this recap blog post that I had not done an adequate job of giving you the FULL details of this songwriting contest I am hosting.

So, I would like to start again. This time by first introducing the person who could put YOUR song in his upcoming movie…John.


Everybody – this is John (& his lovely wife). I had the pleasure of meeting him at the DreamYear Weekend (Nashville) in January of this year. Felic and I were running a few minutes late to the conference, and when arrived we were without a place to sit. John smiled knowingly and invited us to be a part of his table. We liked him immediately. Later, we heard  his life story and his dream, and we KNEW we liked him. Now I want to tell you his story because I’m confident you will want to be a part of it.
Continue reading what I missed last week”¦

what you missed last night…

We had a great time last night – banjos, clapping, singing, drumming…PLUS 4 exciting surprises for you!  But before I tell you about the surprises, I first want to express my gratitude to everyone who was able to log in and hang out with me last night – THANK YOU SO MUCH!!


Now onto what I have for you… Continue reading what you missed last night…

daniel john concert – [10.27.11]

I have a new ONLINE concert posted to StageIt.com, and this time there’s something completely new…

(well, there are actually quite a few surprises, but I’m saving those **announcements** for the concert)

I’ve set up a NEW facebook page here – facebook.com/DanielJohnMusic – where you can watch the entire concert through StageIt’s “Live Streaming Show” App. Now it’s easier than ever to get logged in and stream the concert.

So this Thursday night at 7:30 PM CST, stop in and enjoy an ONLINE concert streamed directly from my facebook page. Or, if you would rather, you can still go HERE to watch it from StageIt’s site.

You can choose either way to watch, just make sure you get a ticket because there are only 35 26 left!! And you won’t want to miss the fun I have planned – see you Thursday night!