A Few Ways To Help [part 2]

I realize that Friday’s Post was a little intense but I wanted to truthfully share where I was living and hopefully challenge you too.  Today, as a follow-up to that post,  I wanted to share a few ways that I’ve come across that will allow you to help donate to people affected by the recent natural disasters around the world.

Ever since the earthquake in Japan occurred, I have been receiving daily emails from various friends and groups with possible ways to donate.  I thought I would share a few of them here.  Some involve purchasing a product (whose proceeds go to the Red Cross) while others are purely donation-based.  Please click the pictures below to see more of the details and to visit these various sites.


  • from Mighty Wallet



  • from The Salvation Army



  • from Hillsong (for victims of the flooding) –




  • from Puremagnetik (check this one out if you’re a musician) –



  • from Amazon.com




  • from ShelterBox USA



  • from the American Red Cross



  • or you can Text REDCROSS to 90999 to give $10


I’m sure you know plenty of other ways to donate (and please feel free to list them below in the comments), these are just what I’ve come across so far.  I wanted to make sure and post these for those who are wanting to do something for those who have lost so much. Thank you for looking through these options and stopping by the blog.


2 thoughts on “A Few Ways To Help [part 2]”

  1. I love the idea of getting something from you’re donation. I know it sounds selfish, but every time I hear “It Is Well” I think of Queensland. Reminds me to keep them in prayer.

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