7 thoughts on “5in5 – day 3”

  1. Whoops, ha, I guess that appears a bit narcissistic, just putting my name without the song’s title. I was just so excited to be done!

    1. AmyMichelleAllemang – not a problem & you were not the only one who did that. I went through this morning and fixed a few.

    1. JasonBenson – um yeah… it’s just you 😉
      no… I basically fell asleep at the piano last night. I’m hoping to get it posted around lunch time, but gotta DO WORK before I can get back to the songwriting fun. thanks for checking on me bro!

      1. daniel john JasonBenson Bummer. Yes I caught some sort of cold and basically laid on my bed while Eleanor wrote out lyrics. Except for the rap… that was me:)

  2. Did anyone else notice that Lizzie Johnson and Tiffany Cogsdell’s songs didn’t get posted here?  You can get to them through Wesley Jones’ post, though.  It’s like looking for hidden treasures.  🙂

    1. p_dshipman I think they keep forgetting to post here for people to find them… crazy kids. you can just follow them on soundcloud too and when they post, it will show up in your stream

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