[5in5] tomorrow…

The five in five songwriting project, referred to on this blog as [5in5], begins tomorrow. If you would like to be a part of the madness fun and you have not already let me know then just leave a comment on this post saying “I’m IN!!” or something equivalent.

If you need a few more details about this songwriting project or want to see who will be writing with us then check out THIS POST to catch up.

Also, part of the project is putting your song out there for people to hear, so please email me a daily link to your song. You can contact me HERE and let me know where your song is posted (i.e. youtube, facebook, a personal blog, etc.)

I hope you’re excited and ready to write (that’s actually the focus of this project)

As a BONUS this year, you can receive a daily update during [5in5] detailing which songs were written & where you can go to hear them. Simply click this link – tinyletter.com/danieljohn – & put in your email address. I promise you will not want to miss these updates!!


I leave you now with this quick  list of ideas to help get your creativity flowing – see you all tomorrow!!



12 thoughts on “[5in5] tomorrow…”

  1. I know I put this on the other link too, but I noticed that this message said to put the “I’m in” on this post, so here’s my second “I’m in”! Thanks, Dan.

    1. Now you’re REALLY signed up

      I expect 2 songs a day from you since you signed up twice…ha! 😉

      (totally kidding – don’t want you to think I was serious)

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