[5in5] – day 3

(check out the rest of the songs below!!)

stand up
by daniel john

hopeful where this life could take you
the next moment tries to break you
takes your breath away

standing like a soldier so tall
suddenly you’re in the free fall
no hope left today

cause we all fall down sometimes
& the way back up is a climb
alone, we can’t win this fight
but together we stand up tonight

why get up to fall right back down
better to stay here on the ground
circumstance will always win

all your fight’s gone now diminished
every dream’s been left unfinished
asking where you’ve been

© 2013 danieljohnmusic.com

7 thoughts on “[5in5] – day 3”

  1. Yeeeeaaaaaahhh….you’re good. I don’t know how you ALWAYS come up with amazing when you do these! Very cool.

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