5in5 | day 1 | 2016

And so it begins again… this year’s 5in5 challenge is ON!

Get your writing spot set up, pull out your instruments, dust off your notebooks and let’s get started!!

Once you have completed your song for the day you can use the form below to add your name, or the song name, or your name and the song name – it’s your choice. Then in the form you will simply add your link to where you have posted your song so that we can all check out what you’ve written.

If you have any questions, let me know by either leaving a comment on this post or by emailing me HERE.

3 thoughts on “5in5 | day 1 | 2016”

    1. I went ahead and opened up the form again for you and added your link to the list so everyone can find it more easily. Great to have you jump in! 🙂

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