[5in5] bonus session

I was blown away by everyone writings, listening, and commenting on [5in5] last week. It was a full week, but honestly such a rewarding week on many levels.

Wonderful to be writing all together, amazing to hear all the songs be written and put out there, and fun to hear the responses as people listened to things we had all created.

Today I am giving you the [5in5] bonus session – which includes 3 extras just for YOU!

1) bonus #1 – I have a new deadline for you – JUNE 22nd!

write that date down & put it in the front of your brain or use this countdown timer to help you remember:

you have 4 weeks (starting this Friday, May 25th, 2012) until that date to take one of the songs you wrote in [5in5] and completely REWORK it!

take a favorite from this past week, or one that didn’t quite “turn out” and give it an overhaul.

we are going to keep working that songwriting muscle.

thought you were done? nope, time to refine your song through rewriting!


thought you missed the whole [5in5] project? nope, if you wanted to write a song during [5in5] but didn’t… this is YOUR CHANCE!!! Start working on your song & then we’ll all post our revised songs on JUNE 22nd!
2) bonus #2 – I want to be honest with you – completely honest…

I did not comment A LOT this past week on everyone’s songs, but it wasn’t because I didn’t care… it was because I was listening to your songs & taking notes on you all.

bonus #2 is just this – IF you would like to hear some of my thoughts on your songwriting, a little advice on which song to rework, or things I think you could benefit from hearing then all you have to do is click this link – daniel john – to send me an email saying “I Want To Know!”.
3) bonus #3 – I want to test an idea for next year, but…

I need your help putting the word out about this little project I put together called “[5in5] songwriting sessions”.

Below (or up above using the newly added STORE link) I am selling the 9 tracks that I have written during the past 2 years of [5in5].

Due to the fact that each track is pretty raw, I am selling them for only 50ยข each or $4.00 for the whole album.

If someone purchases the whole album, they will also get Jesse’s video from last year as a special “not-so-secret-anymore” download. Plus, let me know & I would be happy to supply you with any charts to the songs.

Would you consider helping me by embedding the player below on your facebook page, promoting it on twitter, or even putting it on your own blog?

If you decide to purchase it, that is also wonderful, but I REALLY would love your help getting the word out to our friends & family!

That’s all for today – now let’s GET REVISING!


7 thoughts on “[5in5] bonus session”

    1. THANKS Seren!

      here’s some nerdy/bonus info for you:

      I understood your digital book pricing dilemma a little bit better after putting this together & trying to decide what was a “fair price” ๐Ÿ™‚


      I created the album art for this project completely on my phone. this somehow seems crazy to me, but was super fun to do.

      1. Wha?? That IS crazy! And HA! So glad I’m not alone in that little self-pricing stress. But I really need to take some lessons from you on doing things that get people connected and interested. You rock that thing.

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