
5in5 anyone?

Before we start talking about this year’s 5in5, I have a quick quote from my friend, Ben, to share with you. On his blog the other day he had this to say:

Learning and growing should feel like [an]…attack on our own assumptions. It should leave us feeling overwhelmed, heads spinning, staggering to our cars… desperate for some alone-time to process this haunting new perspective. And then we go back and apply it, leaving us never the same.

Really encouraging right? Actually it is and it’s my hope for all of us. That we’ll stretch and grow through this process and hopefully make songwriting more of a habit throughout the year… not necessarily writing 5 songs in 5 days, but… I think you get what I’m saying.

goodnight my friends #5in5 #finishedNow onto the 5in5 fun. I am really looking forward to our songwriting this year & have already had conversations with many of you about if we would be having it or not this year. So – YES – we are having it and here are this year’s dates:

5in5 is May 13th – 17th (click to tweet)

Secondly, if you don’t know what 5in5 is (or just need a refresher) please read through our 5 simple rules:

1) you must start and finish 1 song every day for 5 days.
the goal is not to write 5 amazing songs it’s simply to start and finish a song to stretch your creativity and discipline as a writer.

2) old material cannot be used.
you can’t brush off the dust from an old song, or one that was started a while ago. it must be a brand new song. phrases & words from old journals can be used, but old songs or uncompleted songs cannot be used.

3) co-writing with a person might save your sanity.
this has really helped me write better songs these last 2 years of 5in5 and is something we highly encourage you to try at least once during the week.

4) post the song in some public forum.
most people post their songs on a blog, youtube, facebook, soundcloud, etc. part of the beauty of 5in5 is forcing yourself to be vulnerable with your writing by putting it out there. plus, when you do this, it feels like we’re all in this together.

5) post your link at danieljohnmusic.com each day.
this helps us find each other’s songs and leave encouraging comments for one another.

Last few things for you.

If you are going to participate please let us know by telling us “I’m IN!” (or something comparable) in the comments below.

I would love to add even more writers to our 5in5 challenge this year. This is such a good exercise for songwriters, and it doesn’t matter if you are an amateur or a pro. Everyone is welcome! So please – if you would – share this post and invite others to come join us! – (click to tweet).

AND…I already have 2 GREAT BONUSES which will be ready & waiting for you after we finish 5in5 this year! I cannot wait to share them with you!!

Now I gotta go sign up…you??


78 thoughts on “5in5 anyone?”

  1. The past 2 years I have only written 1 song in 5 days but I am ready to take the plunge this year! I’m in!!!

  2. Branden and I are in this year!! We have talked about doing it the last couple years….and we are ready for the challenge!

    1. AmyBurbee – any chance we’ll hear some bluegrass? If not, no worries… it’s just great having you!!

    1. RuthPingel – Yay!! I expected you’d sign up, but I’m still pumped to have you writing with us again!

    2. RuthPingel – also, where are you going to be posting this year since posterous is shutting down in 5 days? 
      (sidenote: have you backed up your past songs from their site?)

      1. I know! Can’t believe they’re doing that to me. : ) Jeremy got me my own website for Christmas, so I’ll be posting there – ruthpingel.com. And no, I haven’t backed up and it freaks me out! I have no clue how to do that. Can you help? Email me? Eeek!

        1. And in case my site isn’t up by then, because I’m clueless : ), I’ll just post everything to soundcloud.

  3. I’m in! Although it will be a bit more challenging for me, since I am without my primary instrument, the piano. We’ll see what I can come up with on the guitar- else I might have to find a friend in Columbia who might let me borrow their piano for 5 days. 🙂

    1. MaryChristineAllemang – that will be a bit trickier, but hopefully you have enough time before then to pull things together – thanks for joining in!!

  4. I’m new to your blog… I was sent here by Kristin F. If you’ll have me… I’m IN! This sounds awesome!

    1. KeiraLuntsford – (warning: cheesy “dad humor” to follow…) well you’ll have to wait…. til May! 
      bad joke… I know. seriously though I’m really happy you signed up!!

  5. I’m in! BUT I’ll be in Denmark that week, SO it’s going to be a fun challenge to crank out a song everyday. NONETHELESS, since I will have the awesome opportunity to collaborate with our Danish friends, I may have an advantage! hehehe
    One questions: Can I finish my songs by midnight in the local Danish time? 🙂

    1. Collaborating with the Danes? Dude! You will automatically have the coolest songs ever! I’m excited about that. : )

  6. Josh and I are going to take a stab at it. The way things are at our house it might turn into 5 songs in 5 years but hey, have to start somewhere right?

    1. AndrewYoder – it will be an honor to have you… even if you are possibly related to Anna Swartzentruber 😉 
      all joking aside – it really is great to have you. this will be fun!!

    1. ju1026 – WONDERFUL!! I think you’ll really enjoy this!
      I’m sure others can (or will) give you their own opinions, but for me during 5in5 week I always feel like we’re all together in this race against time. It’s a comforting feeling of community, plus I’ve never regretted this yet…even when one of my songs didn’t quite turn out how I’d hoped. Thanks for your honesty and bravery!!

  7. I’m In!! I’m super excited! Counting down the days! (I’m not sure if this posted already or not lol)

    1. Kjmarkeson – great!! excited to have you be a part….also this is for you: http://itsalmo.st/#5in5

  8. I’m totally doing it this year 🙂 i thought i had signed up a while ago, but i guess it never got posted officially.

    1. MattShipman – I was gonna chat you this weekend and see if you would be joining us. Pumped to hear what you’ll write!!

    1. itscharitylong – perfect! should we switch this year and I write all slow ones while you write all fast ones? 😉
      seriously, can’t wait to see what amazing songs you guys pull out this year!!

  9. I’m in! You don’t know me, but thank Ryan Charity Long for roping me and my partner AJ in!

      1. StephanieJune fail  daniel john!
        I have to drop out sadly since I’m starting the process of moving which
        really doesn’t leave a lot of time for song writing! 🙁

        1. StephanieJune – I COMPLETELY understand because I just went through that whole process last year. Have a good move & hopefully you can join us next year!

    1. JasonBenson – Fe & I were just talking about this last night. She was reading through the comments and wondered why you weren’t writing. I told her you must be crazy busy or just afraid of being shown up by your incredible wife (Eleanor Benson) 😉

        1. JasonBenson daniel john HAHAHAHA!! I was just coming here to clear this all up — I tried to about a week ago, but I was on my ipod, and it didn’t go through for some reason. Glad we’re all set up. 🙂

    1. AmyMichelleAllemang – sweet… but actually, I knew this. I checked a couple of college calendars to see when “most” finals would be and tried to place this a week afterwards. happy to have you!!

  10. I have a pretty tough week finishing school before summer and stuff, but I will try my best to keep up. 
    So, yeah I’m in! 🙂  // Mattias Pärlesköld, Daniel’s son.

    1. Kaouz – great to have you!! just give it your best shot, plus if you do it in Swedish, none of us will know 😉
      seriously though, great having you & just do your best!

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