10 with Gungor + FREE CD GIVEAWAY

As I mentioned yesterday, we are going to attend a Gungor “Beautiful Things” Event to celebrate my wife’s upcoming birthday. So to celebrate I am having a FREE CD GIVEAWAY along with posting an interview with Michael Gungor that we put together last year. Check out the interview below and read below to find out how to win 1 of 3 FREE CDs. It’s very simple and who doesn’t like free?

10 w/ Gungor by danieljohn


3 lucky winners will receive a FREE “Beautiful Things” CD


  1. All you have to do is leave a comment below. It can be as simple as a “hello” or a comment about the interview. It’s really quite easy!
  2. Tweet this post (hint: you can use the retweet button on the left side of this article. if you don’t see it, then click on the title of the article and it will show right up)
  3. For a bonus entry go to my Daniel John music page on Facebook and “Like” it (yes I hope to begin posting music there very soon).

3 submissions possible per person….and so easy to do!


This giveaway ends on March 27th, 2011 at 10 pm CDT and is limited to those in the US only. The winner will be selected by random.org and I will notify you by email so get moving!!!

21 thoughts on “10 with Gungor + FREE CD GIVEAWAY”

  1. Good interview, but I’m more excited about you posting more music! Are you going to the show in Chillicothe?

  2. SO COOL!!! Gungor is awesome. I’m glad I got to hear his talking voice. I’ve only heard his singing voice. 🙂 I didn’t know he was based in Denver. With beautiful mountains like the Rockies, I’m convinced that it’s gotta be easier to write worship songs.

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